What is facial acupuncture?
Facial acupuncture (or facial rejuvenation acupuncture) is a painless, non-surgical procedure of reducing the signs of the aging process. The procedure involves insertion of hair-thin needles into specific areas of the face and the body. Specific points are chosen to manage the flow of energy in the body according to the individual's needs. Many meridians either begin or end in the face while some have internal branches that go to the face. Therefore, it is more than a cosmetic procedure. It is a rejuvenation and revitalization process designed to bring out your innate beauty and radiance.
What is its course of treatment?
Generally, facial rejuvenation acupuncture consists of 12 sessions provided twice a week. The effects become most noticeable and lasting usually after the seventh session of treatment, although many people notice the improvement much sooner. Each person responds differently, depending on his or her health condition and lifestyle. Following the initial course of treatment, maintenance sessions, usually once a month, can prolong the results for years. It works the best when supplemented with traditional Chinese anti-aging herbs, herbal skin care, and facial acupressure.